Parc de la Francophonie: women of character featured

The line-up of shows tonight at Parc de la Francophonie not only featured female artists, but it was clearly the latter who offered the most character and personality on the stages.

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Quebec! It’s about to be a fucking night!shouted to the crowd Jessie Reyez, headliner of this third evening of shows at the Parc de la Francophonie.

The Torontonian appeared between two giant hands, about ten feet high, which were installed on stage. From that second, it promised.

In front of several thousand hands in the sky, Jessie Reyez interpreted Only Onefrom his album Yessiepublished in 2022.

Between her songs, the singer encouraged her admirers to assume their personality and be at peace with themselves.

“If you are here to sing, well sing! If you’re here just to watch, then stay quiet! Above all, do not change to please someone, ”she said.

By trusting the noise of the crowd, the singer realized that a majority of the supporters on the spot have followed her since her debut. It is to thank the latter that she interpreted Phone Calls And gatekeeper, two titles dating from 2017, with a much more punk-rap and punk-rock flavor than his recent releases, which revolve more around pop.

It’s raining bras

During the performances of Stephen Sanchez and Soran, who were in the first parts, one could realistically have expected to see underwear being projected on stage. However, it was the big star of the evening, Jessie Reyez, who received these unsolicited gifts. The artist took it all with a smile, before hanging these memories of his show on his microphone.

An artist to watch

Emma Beko ran second, in front of a Francophonie park which already had several hundred festival-goers. The Montreal native delighted the crowd with her English-language rap, as felt as it was melodious.

The rapper, of Peruvian origin, has everything to take her career to the next level: her style, both musical and clothing, the cadences with which she can juggle while interpreting her texts as well as her voice, which lends itself to both rap and ‘singing. In short, without a shadow of a doubt, an artist to discover and watch over the next few years.

The transparency that Emma Beko shows in talking about her problems of youth, while admitting to having had a rather privileged life, brings a new eye under which to analyze rap.

Emma Beko, during her performance at the Parc de la Francophonie.

Alexander Caputo

Rap and electro go hand in hand

Debby Friday looked like Cardi B, if she had shared the stage with Skrillex. Her rap, with deep and aggressive tones, mixed with her singer’s voice and the sound effects brought to her by her DJ created a fairly innovative recipe.

The stage too high and too far

Emma Beko and Debby Friday reacted the same way during their performance.

“I really feel far from you,” they told viewers. “Wait, I’m going to get a little closer.”

The Montreal rapper sat down on stage to perform, swinging her legs in the air, while Debby Friday simply descended to the floor to sing inches away from her fans.

Tonight's headliner was Toronto's Jessie Reyez.

Debby Friday knew how to combine rap with electro in a beautiful way.

Alexander Caputo

The handsome Stephen Sanchez

The mothers were on the same level of ecstasy as their young daughters when Stephen Sanchez took the stage.

With only one album to his credit, the one whose style can be compared to that of Ed Sheeran already has nearly 30M listeners each month on Spotify. To see his admirers shout and sing each of his words, we can deduce that the singer did not cheat by buying imaginary listeners.

In just 20 years, the Nashville entertainer has made the stage and the fans in front his own.

“It’s my first time in Quebec, I’m happy to meet you,” he candidly told his spectators. “I took four flights to play just an hour and couldn’t be happier,” he added, referring to the layovers he had to make to get there.

His ride Until I Found Youperformed on dry guitar, then Something About Her raised the flashlights to the sky. Between the two titles, the artist announced the arrival of his next album for September.

To conclude on a high note, the American took the liberty of borrowing from the repertoires of Elton John and Queen, taking up the hits bennie and the Jets And Bohemian Rhapsody. Bold, you say? The young virtuoso is far from having shamed these legends, he who even pushed the note on the famous “MAMAAAA”, during the title originally sung by Freddy Mercury.

Tonight's headliner was Toronto's Jessie Reyez.

The popular American singer Stephen Sanchez, during his performance.

Alexander Caputo

From the subway underground to the FEQ

There weren’t many places left in the Parc de la Francophonie when Soran spoke.

The pop/reggae singer, who once performed his songs in the subway underground to keep his humility in the face of growing popularity on social media, is clearly destined for a phenomenal career.

Tonight's headliner was Toronto's Jessie Reyez.

Soran, singer from the South Shore of Montreal, is an artist to watch.

Alexander Caputo

The one who rotated the judges of The voice in 2016, thanks to his reggae cover of Hotel Californiatold the crowd that his second album was complete.

“Since the time I said I’m going to release another album, now it’s over!” launched the singer from the South Shore of Montreal.

Even with over 118,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, the singer addressed his followers with all the humility in the world. with his song Emmahe was able to raise several hundred pairs of hands in the air.

Tonight's headliner was Toronto's Jessie Reyez.

Fans would have taken the stage with Soran, if they could.

Alexander Caputo

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