Paramedics on indefinite strike

The Federation of Pre-Hospital Employees of Quebec (FPHQ) launched an indefinite general strike on Friday that will affect 40 accredited paramedics across Quebec.

Posted at 2:37 p.m.

Delphine Belzile

Delphine Belzile
The Press

While negotiations with the government have dragged on since September 2021, the FPHQ is increasing its means of pressure.

The Federation is demanding better salary conditions, in particular a pension plan allowing its members to withdraw from the labor market at age 58 or after 35 years of service, can we read in a press release. Paramedics are also demanding an increase in the salary scale equivalent to that of police officers, firefighters and nurses.

“We will hold the strike as long as necessary and are ready to increase the pressure. The recognition of our profession is now,” mentioned Daniel Chouinard, president of the FPHQ, in a press release.

The Federation of Prehospital Employees of Quebec is the main union in the prehospital sector and brings together nearly 2,500 workers.

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