Palestinian stabbed by Israeli settler near Salfit

According to the Israeli police, an altercation had broken out between Palestinians and Israelis near the settlement of Ariel.

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A Palestinian was stabbed to death by an Israeli settler near the Palestinian town of Salfit, in the northern occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday (June 21st).

According to the Israeli police, an altercation had broken out between Palestinians and Israelis near the settlement of Ariel, a Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 by Israel. “Police forces arrived at the scene, where a seriously injured Palestinian man was transferred to hospital, after being apparently stabbed”, wrote the police. She said the incident was under investigation, but the assailant had not been identified.

According to Palestinian witnesses, the victim was working the land near a settlement when settlers attacked him. Settlement security guards then fired at Palestinians who tried to approach the area, they added. This death occurs two days after that of another Palestinianshot by Israeli forces near the fence separating the West Bank from Israel.

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, an enemy of Israel and which controls the Gaza Strip, condemned a “dirty war launched by the settlers against our people” and Israeli policies allowing settlers to “practicing organized terrorism”. Around 475,000 Israeli settlers live in settlements in the West Bank, which are also home to 2.8 million Palestinians and deemed illegal under international law.

source site-24