Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in occupied West Bank

The 18-year-old died of “serious injuries” after being shot in the neck with “live ammunition” by the Israeli “occupation”, the Palestinian health ministry said.

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An 18-year-old Palestinian man was killed on Saturday (October 1st) in clashes with Israeli forces in an occupied West Bank town bordering East Jerusalem, the Palestinian Health Ministry and Israeli police reported. Fayez Khaled Damdom is dead “following serious injuries” after being hit by gunfire “with live ammunition in the neck” by the‘”occupation” Israel, in Al-Eizariya, the Palestinian ministry said in a statement.

Israeli border police reported“riots” during an operation. Officers then “neutralized an assailant who was holding a Molotov cocktail and trying to throw it at the forces”she said in a statement, adding that he had been “neutralized by shots”.

Four Palestinians killed on Wednesday

The incident comes after a seven-year-old Palestinian boy died Thursday in controversial circumstances during an Israeli operation in the southern West Bank, Palestinian territory occupied by the Jewish state since 1967.

Four Palestinians were also killed on Wednesday during an Israeli raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank and in the clashes that followed.

After a wave of anti-Israeli attacks that have killed 20 people since March, some of which were carried out by Palestinians from the northern West Bank, the Israeli army has stepped up raids in this region.

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