Oxfam denounces the lack of adaptation measures to global warming in France

According to the report by the NGO Oxfam, consulted by France Inter, the French state “does not take into account the fact that climate change does not affect people in the same way”.


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A pharmacy thermometer displays 40°C during a heat wave on August 23, 2023, in Bordeaux. (CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

The NGO Oxfam France denounced in a report on Monday, July 15, the lack of adaptation measures in the face of global warming in France. In this report entitled “Climate change: we are not ready”, which compiles dozens of studies on global warming, the NGO, which fights against climate change and inequalities, believes that, in the absence of measures, global warming will increase inequalities.

To cope with rising waters on our coasts, floods and more frequent fires, the needs are immense. Oxfam points out that we would need to devote seven billion euros to the construction sector, one and a half billion euros to agriculture to ensure it maintains its yields, and 100 billion euros to our electricity network to ensure it can withstand a warming of four degrees.

According to Quentin Ghesquiere, author of the report, in Europe, “The richest 20% are better off than the poorest 20%.” He believes that the two national climate change adaptation plans are not binding enough. “The state, in its adaptation plans, does not take into account at all the fact that climate change does not affect people in the same way.” For threatened housing “by floods or heat waves”Quentin Ghesquiere wonders how they do it “people who are not owners, or who do not have the means.”

The report estimates that half of our fundamental rights, access to health or housing, are threatened. Oxfam is calling for the allocation of several tens of billions of euros of public measures to adapt today, a plan financed by fairer taxation.

The government’s third national climate change adaptation plan was suspended by the dissolution of the National Assembly.

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