Out of it, Béatrice Rosen (TPMP) let her anger burst on the Web!

Béatrice Rosen is not one to mince words… While her positions often lead her to disagree with her comrades from “Touche pas à mon poste”, on the set of the daily C8, the columnist always sticks to its positions… And on its Twitter account, it is the same!

Very active on this social network, Béatrice Rosen takes the opportunity to share her opinions and react to current events. The proof, this Tuesday, February 7, 2023, the atrocious 39-year-old was offended by an article from the Parisian baptized: “They regret having had a child: shrinks listening to parents eaten away by guilt”.

“This little world is getting creepy”

“Dehumanization propaganda festival right now. Between that, the GPA proposal on brain-dead women and Konbini with the girl who doesn’t want children and promotes tubal ligation… This little world is getting creepy,” she tweeted, making particular reference to a study that suggests using brain-dead women… as surrogates. In a study published in November 2022, a researcher from the University of Oslo (Norway), indeed suggests creating a device similar to organ donation to allow women to authorize that their body be “used” to allow couples to have a child.

“Is that your ‘progress’?” No thanks. The world you propose is morbid, metallic, sterile, sad to cry and ugly. It stinks of self-hatred. No thanks. I prefer joy, children’s laughter, beauty, seeing faces without masks, touching the people I love, etc.added the TPMP columnist in a second tweet… A speech that has the merit of being clear.

See also: Pink notebook in Télématin: Julia Vignali announces good news!


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