“Our security is at stake in Ukraine,” says Emmanuel Macron


Video length: 1 min

International: “Our security is at stake in Ukraine”, says Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron spoke on the evening of Thursday March 14 at 8 p.m. on France 2 and TF1. An expected speech after having recently toughened his speech against Vladimir Putin.

(France 2)

Emmanuel Macron spoke on the evening of Thursday March 14 at 8 p.m. on France 2 and TF1. An expected speech after having recently toughened his speech against Vladimir Putin.

From the first minutes of his interview, the President of the Republic warns: the future of Ukraine is the business of everyone in Europe. “What is at stake in Ukraine? A war which is existential, for our Europe and for France. Because if Russia were to win, the lives of the French would change. We will no longer have security in Europe “developed Emmanuel Macron, who added: “Our security is at stake in Ukraine”.

“To have peace in Ukraine, you must not be weak”

On the possible sending of troops to Ukraine, the head of state specifies that France is not at war with Russia, but no scenario can be excluded. “We will never lead an offensive, we will never take initiatives. France is a force for peace. Simply, today, to have peace in Ukraine, we must not be weak. We are ready to put the means to achieve our objective which is that Russia does not win”, indicated Emmanuel Macron. In the middle of the European election campaign, the head of state also attacks these adversaries of the left and the National Rally. In vsDuring the 40-minute interview, the President of the Republic reaffirmed total support for kyiv, on a military and financial level.

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