Ottawa only expects a few thousand truckers on Saturday

Although the organizers of the “freedom convoy” estimate that they can rally tens, if not hundreds of thousands of truckers against the compulsory vaccination, the Ottawa police rather expect the arrival of only a few thousand of them. Saturday.

“We know the trucks coming in from the west coast are fewer as they travel […] Giving you an exact number of people who will be on the streets on Saturday or Sunday is very difficult at the moment, but we anticipate, plan that they will be between 1,000 and 2,000, “said Steve Bell, the deputy police chief of Ottawa.

Police services answered questions on Wednesday from municipal councilors in the Canadian capital, worried about seeing a large procession of truckers opposed to compulsory vaccination arrive in their city. The event could disrupt traffic in the federal capital for several days, between Thursday and Sunday.

The Ottawa Police Service says it maintains good cooperation with the organizers of the convoy, described as a “peaceful and legal demonstration”. Other groups are expected to join this weekend, so the estimate of the number of protesters could change “from hour to hour”. The authorities say they are ready to act if they see blocked intersections, violence or illegal activities, or if there are counter-demonstrators.

The City of Ottawa expects there will be “traffic delays and disruptions” on the city’s road network, primarily near Parliament Hill.

Monster demonstration, believe the participants

However, Quebec Internet users are preparing to participate in an event of much greater magnitude than that suggested by the Ottawa police. Gathered on the Zello voicemail application on Wednesday, Quebec organizers said they expected the presence of up to a million people opposed to compulsory vaccination or health measures in general.

Based on rumors that the convoy of trucks en route to Ottawa already stretches for tens or even hundreds of kilometres, many Internet users have mentioned that access to the city of Ottawa or even Gatineau would be impossible. Some have spoken of their wish to stay put until the government backs down on its vaccine policy. Participants advised to bring large supplies of food.

“There is no one I know who will not go to Ottawa with friends and family for the biggest demonstration ever organized”, for example, advanced a surfer from the Outaouais on a French-speaking Facebook page linked to the event. .

“Small minority”, according to Justin Trudeau

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, reiterated on Wednesday that nearly 90% of truckers in the country are already vaccinated. He believes that the “freedom convoy” is made up of only a “small minority of people” who “continue to slow our way out of this pandemic. »

Since January 15, the Canadian government has withdrawn from non-vaccinated Canadian truckers their privilege, as essential workers, to enter the country without performing quarantine. A similar measure entered into force simultaneously on the side of the United States.

The Federal Parliament is currently suspended, until the return scheduled for Monday, largely virtually. Despite everything, the Parliamentary Protective Service indicates that it is “aware of the demonstration” and that it “continuously monitors threats. »

Conservative MPs have publicly supported the convoy initiative against compulsory vaccinations, such as former party leader Andrew Scheer, Justin Trudeau says is ‘the greatest threat to Canada’s freedom’. His words were echoed by the defeated candidate in the last Conservative leadership race, Leslyn Lewis.

Their leader, Erin O’Toole, did not wish to specify whether he gave his support to the demonstrators, despite repeated requests from journalists on Monday.

With Marie Vastel

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