[Opinion] I am allergic to election sweets

Since the election campaign began, I have been deeply disappointed. Deeply disappointed by the lack of long-term vision of the parties, who buy themselves voters with lower taxes here, checks there. Is the thirst for power so strong? The wishful thinking that our systems will get better I’ve put away with my childhood toys for a long time, but I think some politicians still keep it, with pseudo-inspiring slogans and bashing colleagues. reported by the media in search of sensational headlines.

From the height of my 20 years, next October 3 will be the first time I will go to the ballot box to choose the deputy who will represent me in the National Assembly. And I don’t know yet which box I will tick on the ballot. Not because I am undecided about my values, but because no party really represents me. Who has a realistic long-term vision? Who has a concrete plan to improve the province’s education, environment, health and economy? I do not have a doctorate in economics, but I am certain that it is not with a tax reduction financed at the expense of the Generations Fund that families will be able to pay their rent.

During the leaders’ debate, there are always citizens who ask questions. So let me ask one of all the candidates who plastered their faces in the streets: when you established your policies, dear candidates, did you think about the future? Have you thought about the young people, who are packing your groceries, who are anxious due to inaction on climate change, who are unlikely to be able to buy their first home in the next few years unless they give their belts two turns , who are tired of half-fulfilled promises, empty slogans of governance, which is the same from one party to another?

I wish us a united, fair, prosperous and innovative Quebec. I wish us politicians who govern with their children and grandchildren in mind, who have a long-term vision. And above all, I wish us to mobilize and go and vote on October 3, we, the young people, the forgotten, to elect candidates who will not distribute nananes to whoever wants them and who will not play politicians. By October 3, I’m looking for human beings with good ideas who can convince me that they deserve to have my first checkmark next to their name, because watching the leaders’ debate tonight , dear leaders, I did not believe you.

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