[Opinion] Culture, an ally for school perseverance

As part of School Perseverance Week, the Maison Théâtre wishes to emphasize the importance of increasing cultural opportunities in the educational path of young people and salutes the commitment of teachers and school administrators to the arts and of the culture. These speakers unite their efforts with ours to offer young people a constructive, rich and profound vision of the world.

Culture and the arts promote and propel students’ academic success.

It is recognized that participation in many cultural activities proportionally increases students’ chances of success. This is beneficial in several ways, including improving adaptability, cognitive skills, mental and physical well-being, and information retention. Likewise, it builds self-esteem, confidence and increases student motivation and engagement in their school environment. Not to mention that culture also promotes the knowledge of emotions and the development of personality and interests.

Thus, the Maison Théâtre, like several organizations and artisans in the world of arts and culture, adds its voice to the strong plea in favor of cultural outings. The latter are essential to concretely visualize the different artistic forms and participate in better integrating the cultural dimension into the educational program of young people.

Thanks to close collaboration with the education sector, this year, more than 40,000 children and teenagers will pass through the doors of the Maison Théâtre, in the heart of Montreal. Their bright faces upon arrival reflect their joy at leaving school and living a new experience. At the exit, their “thanks” and their comments testify to their esteem. Each year, nearly 1,000 fellow teachers also open the doors of their classes to us for a workshop.

To move forward — and persevere — you have to dream, project yourself into the imagination and into the future. Theater and the arts are undoubtedly one of the solutions to take care of young people, who really need it following the pandemic. To move forward, Québec must ensure that it puts in place all the conditions necessary for the growth and increased accessibility of the offer of cultural outings.

We are fortunate to count on a cultural policy (Partout la culture) which proposes to amplify the relationship between culture and education, and on a Youth Action Plan 2021-2024 which goes in the same direction. If we believe that the economic aid granted following COVID is still necessary in the community, we can only agree with the desire expressed last week by the Minister of Culture and Communications and Minister responsible for Youth, Mathieu Lacombe, to promote the greatest possible access to the works created here for young Quebecers.

This vision should be expressed through support to ensure the sustainability and development of Quebec’s offer of cultural activities for young people. Similarly, it must be shared by his colleague Bernard Drainville, Minister of Education, so that they form an effective tandem in the Cabinet, in the name of the future of our young people and school perseverance.

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