Open-air show – The Hop Hop Hop Festival comes to Metz and its surrounding towns

From July 8 to 17, 2022, find Hop hop hop in Metz and in mainland France for its 13th edition!

International festival of open-air shows, Hop Hop Hop is an unmissable event of the summer season in Metz. From July 8 to 17, 2022find this family event, friendly and free!

Shows for everyone, everywhere!

ask for it program : everywhere in Metz as well as in Scy-Chazelles, Pournoy-la-Chétive or Rozérieulles, the Hop Hop Hop festival offers you a musical, humorous and theatrical program!

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Organized by the company Deracinemoa, in partnership with the City of Metz and France Bleu Lorraine, this free and unmissable event brings together, for 10 days, about twenty companies, a large number of artists, volunteers and no less than 80 free performances.

The appointment is made from Friday July 8, 2022 in Scy-Chazelles (to start) for this great open-air show festival.

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