“Online”: all connected | The duty

With the pandemic, the migration of our online dailies has grown tremendously. People work, flirt, shop, study or have fun there like never before. Including among cohorts which, however, only recently showed a certain numerical delay, or even a certain delay. This is how the magazine In line, which takes a humorous look at our online lifestyles, comes at the right time in these polarized times.

In the animation, the actor, humorist and improviser Mehdi Bousaidan skillfully plays proximity and simplicity. Her counterpart, digital media specialist Nellie Brière, relies on a clever mix of pragmatism and knowledge, to which guest experts add their two cents. We talk just as much about netiquette, moral panic or gaming as dependency loops, fraud or geolocation, all in a tone accessible to all.

Here, we equip and educate gently, without forcing anything. No question of condemning, even less of sowing fear or panic. Whatever the issue, the novelty of Télé-Québec relies on a formula as sympathetic as it is candid, which paradoxically turns out to be its Achilles heel in the light of the first two episodes. Certain more complex questions would indeed have deserved to be developed at greater length. Nothing says it won’t be done later. We bet that it is by dint of frequenting it that the magazine will deepen its critical gaze, and ours.

In line

Télé-Québec, starting January 5, 7:30 p.m. also at telequebec.tv

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