“One of my children was raped”: Lio, tears in his eyes, reveals terrible facts

At 60, Lio, singer with cult titles and contagious good humor, revealed another face during a television show. The artist shared the terrible suffering suffered by one of his six children in an interview for a documentary broadcast on Melody TV on November 10 and that France Sunday was able to watch exclusively. One more wound for this devoted mother of six children.

Mother of Nubia, 35 years old, Igor, 28 years old, Esméralda, 27 years old, Garance and Léa, 23 years old and finally of Diego, 19 years old, born of four different fathers, Lio has built a beautiful large family. The interpreter of banana split has reason to rejoice in her beautiful offspring, but she does not avoid pain. Thus, she explains in front of the cameras of Micro Mirror for Melody TV be heartbroken if one of his children suffers. Eyes filled with tears, she continues:There is one of my children who was raped. It is very difficult for this child.“Faced with this trauma, mother and child are currently in proceedings so that the attacker can be sentenced.

A drama that certainly makes others reappear. Lio herself was the victim of a sexual assault by a relative. The facts occurred when she was a child, 10 years old precisely, and that she was at the side of her little sister of 3 years old at the time, Helena Noguerra. “Nobody ever called it a rape and I realized two years ago that I had been raped. I put that word on it. And since nothing goes“, she confided to Tele-Leisure.

In the show Off road presented by Thomas Sotto on France Inter, Lio had openly confided in her family difficulties, conceding that she sometimes thought more of her than of her children: “I was confronted with their enormous suffering every day, without always knowing how to respond to it. And, certainly, by not responding to them to the extent that each child deserves. And, also, because I have a job that keeps me moving. I am with them, but not guilty. I feel responsible for many things and they have to hold me to account. I am here to answer them. It is their most legitimate right. (…) But I have no regrets.”

Find the full article in the magazine France Sunday of October 21, 2022.

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