It took only one concert for the destiny of Mathieu Tamisier, known as Sélénite, to change forever. Until this famous concert, the cultural life of our future mountebank, was limited to a few sheets of tales, drawings and much too classic music, to move a teenager in search of identity and worlds to explore. Subsequently, what happened in the course of Mathieu’s high school, borders on the magic of live shows. Outdated this expression?
Listen a little, how, after this famous concert, he just felt alive! Like never before. At 16 years old ! So much so that he thought for a moment, barely glimpsed this world made up of songs, music and artists, that he was going to die, his heart raced so much!
So he knew. He felt an irrepressible need for instruments, notes, texts and stage. Especially on stage. To give, to take his audience along the tortuous paths of a creativity that has been repressed for too long. Especially since the first group of high school friends, didn’t do lace: Rock, Punk, Hard.
Mathieu will therefore start with the drums, will play in several groups and will naturally move on to the guitar which allows melodies of accompaniments closer to his artistic sensibilities. And if he can accompany other artists, why not do it for him? He begins to write, write and write again. His odd jobs leave him very little time, so he writes at night with the moon as his companion. Selenite was born.
Selenite on the web and networks:
– Thierry Loustaune / Antoine Thomas