“Once upon a time there was a boy like you”, LARCHE

Thirteen years that LARCHE (in capitals, Marc-Antoine Larche in civil) proposes songs, tenacious and convinced that they will make their way. We wish him, as we wish the actor that he is also notable roles. I mention it because his new album (at the very least the sixth, counting the short ones and the long ones) is not without interest, nor without value. Only here, it’s song between two waters, not often above the waterline. Telegraphed rhymes, predictable melodies, worn-out references (James Dean? Land of Oz?), it all revolves around the same me. For example, in Vancouver (one way) : “Here the first snow has fallen / but I know it won’t stay / And you, are you already installed? We are closer to a text message than to a text. In the already blocked bottleneck of new release season, it’s hard to see how these songs in the correct average would squeeze through. It’s sad to say, but tenacity is not enough.

Once upon a time there was a boy like you


LARGE, Tempo/Amplitude

To see in video

source site-46
