on the cobblestones of Rock!

Originally from Oloron, the trio that forms Cobbles is divided between Cescau, Moumour and Navarrenx, depending on the compositions, rehearsals or writings. Matthieu Bertrane, guitarist, singer and composer, Sébastien Croquefer, drums, then Frédéric Ayçaguer, bassist, have known each other for a while. By dint of balls, pubs, concerts, and different formations came a period of reflection.
Initiated by Sébastien, it leads to the desire to create a minimalist group, inscribed in Rock with all the claims it is able to carry and the messages it knows how to deliver. All through the purity of a sound that must be irreproachable. Cobbles was born in 2019.

What means “cobblestones” in English is not chosen by chance. Cobbles wants to be a bit scratchy Rock, with the hackneyed but assumed label of enfant terrible. It draws its roots from the seventies but does not deny Rap or Hip-Hop, to confuse us even more. And he will be talked about, by Covid interposed…
For the release of the first opus, March 13, 2020, the first confinement whistles the end of the game the same evening. Album, concerts, promos, sales, everything is ruined. They adapt. And it is thanks to the same confinement that they record a clip in Oloron “Stupid girl”, and that the cultural service of the city will spot them. The rest is in the Happy Hour Live…

Self-titled debut album: Cobbles
Credit: Cobbles

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