Omicron in Ireland | A curfew imposed at 8 p.m. for pubs, bars and restaurants

(London) Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin announced on Friday evening the establishment of a curfew at 8 p.m. for pubs, bars and restaurants until the end of January to combat the spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

“All restaurants and bars […] must close at 8 pm ”from Sunday until January 30, the Irish head of government said in a speech.

Highlighting the risk that the variant represents for the hospital system but also “society and the economy” of the country of five million inhabitants, the Prime Minister stressed that the variant is spreading “aggressively” in all areas. age groups.

“The need to slow the spread of Omicron and for more people to get their booster doses is clear,” he continued.

The manager also announced that indoor events will no longer be allowed in the evening after 8 p.m. and announced a reduction in the capacity of events welcoming the public.

Weddings cannot be celebrated beyond this time and limited to 100 people.

All passengers arriving in the country will be required to perform a PCR or antigen test and are advised to take an antigen test daily for the five days of their arrival.

According to the latest figures, Ireland has recorded more than 644,000 cases of coronavirus and 5,835 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

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