Olympic Planet | On social networks

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

Math Duff, new Olympian (or almost)

Comedian Mathieu Dufour is officially a Canadian Olympian (or almost). After challenging Team Canada in a story on his Instagram account, the one nicknamed Math Duff received by mail a box of Lululemon clothing, the same as those worn by Canadian athletes in Beijing. You should know that the comedian already has an athlete page in his name on the Team Canada website (see here), the result of a previous joke. After receiving his package, Mathieu Dufour published another story to offer, as a joke, to be the flag bearer for the Canadian team during the ceremony. To which Team Canada replied: “Don’t push your luck, my boyfriend ! »


An extreme slide

The Canadian men’s speed skating team is acting up again! The five skaters made it to the top of the last jump of the slopestyle track, used for freestyle skiing and snowboarding, and filmed themselves rolling down the mountain on their butts. They were practically buried in snow when they got to the bottom of the jump. “We are seriously thinking of trying luge,” wrote Maxime Laoun.


A dance as encouragement

Since arriving in Beijing, freestyle skier Simon d’Artois has posted several comedic videos of him dancing in his hotel room. Each time, he dons a set from the Lululemon apparel that has been provided to the athletes. In his latest video, the British Columbian keeps a serious air and does all kinds of moves, including this one. “Go, go, go! “, he simply wrote.


A bet honored

Before the final game between Canada and the United States in women’s hockey, the physiotherapist for the Canadian bobsleigh team, Tyson Plesuk, and the American chiropractor who works for the Great Britain team, Jon Wilhelm, makes a bet: whoever loses should run with the flag of the opposing country on his back. Canada won the gold, and Plesuk was happy to film his friend honoring his bet. “Thank you, Hockey Canada, I really didn’t want to have to carry the American flag,” he wrote.


A cushion or a blanket?

Emilio Ficaccio, who was hired by Eritrea representative Shannon Abeda as a COVID-19 liaison officer, was happy to document his time in Beijing on his TikTok account. He has published several videos where he introduces his subscribers to “cool things” in the Olympic Village. In his latest video, he pulls the zipper on a Winter Games-themed cushion, which turns into a huge blanket.


Curling reinvented (again)

It is fashionable to reproduce the different Olympic sports. On the official TikTok account of the Games, we can see a video of nurses playing “curling” in the corridors of a hospital. By searching on the account that initially published it, we understand that it is a video dating from the summer of 2019, but which lent itself well to current sports news!


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