Olivier Giroud accomplice with his children: he has fun in Milan with Evan and Aria

Since he installed Instagram, we don’t stop Olivier Giroud ! The star of the France team has long refused to open an official account, but it’s been done since the beginning of the year and obviously, the 35-year-old striker quickly took a liking to it! Returning to the France team to everyone’s surprise during the last meeting, following the absence of Karim Benzema, the handsome boy made a very noticeable comeback. Scorer, he seems to be in the good graces of Didier Deschamps again and a place for the next World Cup in Qatar cannot be ruled out.

Returned to Milan where he has been playing since last year, Olivier Giroud was able to reunite with his little family. In a relationship and married to Jennifer since 2011, the French international is a happy dad with his four beautiful children. When he’s not training or busy with the selection, Theo Hernandez’s teammate, who has just become a father, likes to spend time with his children, as he has showed again yesterday on his Instagram account. Followed by more than 710,000 subscribers, the Blues striker published two very cute stories with her little ones. On the first we can see him having fun with his son Evan during a family meal.

Meal with Evan and last goodbye with Aria

As the saying goes, “In Rome, do as the Romans do” and at Olivier Giroud’s, since we’re in Italy, lunch is spaghetti! In the photo, we see him having fun reenacting the famous scene from the cartoon The Lady and the Tramp with her baby Evan. “Family time”, he writes on the photo (to be found on the slideshow). The second is just as cute since we see the Frenchman when he leaves for training and his little Aria comes to say a last goodbye to him in front of the elevator. “I love you my little princess”says her father, while the little girl answers “Have a good day dad”adds the footballer in the photo.

Very fulfilled in Milan and surrounded by his loved ones, Olivier Giroud seems happier than ever and his brilliant return to the Blues may have had something to do with it!

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