of manufacturers offer subscriptions for cars


France 2

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Thursday April 14, the JT of 13 Hours is interested in a new type of trade, the subscription to a car. Is it more profitable than renting or buying?

It is not a purchase, nor a long-term rental, but a subscription to a car. For example, a subscription to an electric car costs 299 euros per month. For the same model, rental with option to buy costs 199 euros per month for three years, to which must be added the cost of restitution. The purchase price of the car is 19,000 euros, with an ecological bonus of 6,000 euros deducted.

“There are a whole series of costs, which are generally invisible when you buy a car, such as insurance and maintenance (…) which are included in the subscription, with, in addition, the great freedom to make the car every month, argues Nicolas Levêque, Fiat France Marketing Director. Ricardo Catalano, a subscriber, has a car delivered to his workplace. For him, the subscription is cheaper than a rental. It would also allow people who do not have the means to access mobility and the car.

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