of manufacturers convert to electric bikes


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With the end of mandatory mask wearing on public transport, manufacturers are forced to reduce production. To compensate, some companies have developed other activities, in replacement or in parallel, very far from the health sector.

In a factory in the Ile-de-France which has produced 120 million masks since the Covid-19 crisis, the pace has not slowed down. If the masks are gradually leaving our faces, with in particular the end of their compulsory wearing in public transport, there is no question of stopping production in this factory. Thomas Le Tiec, industrial director of the “Le masque français” brand, explains that he does not want to lose the “expertise” of its employees in the event of a new pandemic.

However, stocks of masks have been flowing less easily lately. So managers are getting ready to diversify their business. Emmanuel Nizard, founder of the brand “Le masque français”, is tackling a new market: the electric bike. Another mask manufacturer, which has completely stopped its production of masks, has also made the choice to convert to the electric bicycle.

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