October is hottest month on record


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1 minute

Global warming: October is the hottest month on record

Since January 2023, the global average temperature has been the hottest ever measured in the world. The effects of global warming are already visible. – (Franceinfo)

Since January 2023, the global average temperature has been the hottest ever measured in the world. The effects of global warming are already visible.

This year again, Antarctica is melting, forests are burning, storms and floods are increasing. The situation is far from improving. Since January 2023, the average temperature has been the hottest ever measured over the first ten months of the year, with an increase of 1.43°C compared to the pre-industrial era. “A warming climate has visible consequences, for example the retreat of glaciers”explains Valérie Masson-Delmotte, paleoclimatologist, member of the IPCC.

Efforts that are not enough

“It also leads to an increase in hot extremes, more frequent, more intense (…) it also affects the severity of droughts, because, the warmer the climate, the more quickly the soils lose their moisture in summer,” she adds. In 2015, the Paris climate agreement, considered historic by scientists, planned to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.5°C. For the moment, efforts are not sufficient to limit global warming.

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