“Not a small sentence, a reasoning” assures a relative

Georges Pompidou asked to stop pissing off the French, Emmanuel Macron wants him “piss off the unvaccinated (…) until the end”. This strong sentence pronounced during an interview with the readers of the Parisian [article payant] is neither harmless nor innocent. The Head of State knows perfectly well the weight of words, he has often experienced it.

>> The examination of the bill suspended again after the words of Emmanuel Macron. Follow our live.

So here he is, abruptly delivering his strategy: health pass, paid test for the unvaccinated, and, from mid-January, vaccination pass. Each time, the pincers close on those who refuse the vaccination. An assumed objective: “The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so, we will continue to do it, until the end”, exposes the Head of State, who adds: “I’m not going to put them in jail, I’m not going to forcibly vaccinate them.”.

These words were not released recklessly. One of the president’s relatives confirmed this on Tuesday evening: “It is not a small sentence, it is a reasoning”. This is therefore the basis of Emmanuel Macron’s thought, expressed with harsh words to mark. Moreover, the Head of State returns to the charge a little later in the interview, this time against the anti-vax, accused of “undermine the strength of a nation”. “When my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible, considers the president. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen “.

“He is going strong but we must name the evil. Our electorate is 100% pro-vax and does not include the unvaccinated.”

An advisor to the president

to franceinfo

Extremely strong words, while only three weeks ago, Emmanuel Macron declared on television to have learned small polemical sentences of his quinquennium, acknowledging that there was “words that can hurt, and it is never good and even acceptable”. But now, the presidential election is approaching, and Emmanuel Macron can hope to unite his electorate on this subject.

With the presidential election in the background, these words almost even resemble a pre-declaration of candidacy. “There is no false suspense, I want”, agrees Emmanuel Macron, who observes two conditions to be met before making this announcement: “Clarifying this subject in myself and in relation to the political equation, that seems pretty clear and the sanitary conditions allow it.” In any case, Emmanuel Macron wants it to be sooner rather than later.

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