No business closures in the ecological transition, assures Nadeau-Dubois

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois accuses François Legault of lying when he claims that a united government would close businesses as part of its transition to a green economy.

The co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire was the main target of Mr. Legault’s attacks during the last leaders’ debate on Thursday evening. The leader of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) asked Mr. Nadeau-Dubois which companies in which sectors should close because of his environmental plan.

“There is no question of closing any business. […] When Mr. Legault says that we are going to close industries, he is lying to Quebeckers. And that is unworthy of someone who wants to run for the post of Prime Minister, “said Mr. Nadeau-Dubois Friday morning at a press briefing.

The QS plan proposes to requalify workers in “decreasing” and “more fragile” areas such as those in petrochemicals, natural gas and refineries.

“The right way to deal with these economic changes […] it is to encourage sectors of the future and to support workers in vulnerable sectors to requalify them”, indicated Mr. Nadeau-Dubois.

It also talks about requalifying employees within an industry where technological changes are necessary to reduce GHG emissions.

Mr. Nadeau-Dubois spoke harshly about the outgoing premier’s environmental record.

The solidarity leader took part Friday afternoon in the march for the climate in the streets of Montreal accompanied by his co-spokesperson Manon Massé.

This dispatch was produced with the financial assistance of the Meta Exchanges and The Canadian Press for the news.

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