The La France Insoumise MP for Seine-Saint-Denis and chairman of the National Assembly’s finance committee was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday July 23, 2024.
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Éric Coquerel, La France Insoumise MP for Seine-Saint-Denis and chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday July 23, 2024. Still no stable proposal on the left for the post of Prime Minister, a La France Insoumise bill tabled to repeal the pension reform… He answered questions from Marie Bernardeau and Fanny Guinochet.
Choice for Matignon: a vote by the deputies “is not the right method”
While the left still cannot agree on a name to propose for Matignon, the socialists have requested a vote by the deputies of the four groups of the New Popular Front. “This is not the right method”believes Eric Coquerel. “We need consensus first”he pleads, which does not mean “necessarily” say “that the four formations agree on a name, that means that none of them opposes this name”.
The re-elected chairman of the Assembly’s finance committee assures that after the withdrawal of Laurence Tubiana’s candidacy, negotiations “took place yesterday [lundi] evening. They will still take place” Tuesday. Eric Coquerel considers however that “Huguette Bello remains the right solution”even though the president of the Regional Council of La Réunion also rejected the offer in the face of dissensions.
Bill to repeal pension reform: “it’s an excellent idea”
“Today, there is a majority in the Assembly to repeal [la réforme des retraites]I put my hand on the fire on that”assures Eric Coquerel. A bill will be tabled during the day, announced the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, on France Inter.
“It is an excellent idea”reacts the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, convinced that such a text has “undeniably” chances of passing, either with “a New Popular Front government from September”since “This is one of the first measures” that the NFP is committed to taking if it comes to power, namely “by a bill”he specifies.
Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” from Tuesday July 23, 2024: