news within reach of children

The 80th anniversary of the Landings on the beaches of Normandy, Sophie Adenot soon in space and the secrets of the pyramids revealed: this is the menu for the new episode of “Hi the news!”


Reading time: 18 min

This week's feature tells of the Landings on the beaches of Normandy.  (ZELDA ZONK / ASTRAPI / BAYARD PRESSE)

Every week, the “Hi news!” podcast. tells the news to 7-11 year olds, a production of Franceinfo radio and Astrapi magazine. The children speak throughout the show: to comment on current events, ask questions, ask for advice or even tell jokes! To co-present this week’s episode, “Hi News!” welcomes Maïa, 9 years old, who lives in the Paris region.

It’s official: French astronaut Sophie Adenot will go into space in 2026, heading to the International Space Station. She is the second French woman in history to make such a space trip! In an interview, she talks about her first impressions and the work that remains to be done.

The news is also a new study which sheds light on the construction of the pyramids: the discovery of an ancient arm of the Nile, the great Egyptian river. More details in this new episode !

Finally, in Ireland, children have created a song that is a hit on the Internet… we are introducing it to our listeners, who are around the same age as these apprentice rappers.

The current quarter hour of May 31, 2024. (ZELDA ZONK / ASTRAPI / BAYARD PRESSE)

To launch you into the adventure of media education in cycles 2 and 3, we provide you, every week, with a new episode of “Quart d’heure Actu”. This sequence of three brief audio extracts from the podcast “Salut l’info!” allows you to establish a short and fun weekly information ritual in class. And to encourage active listening among students, the session is accompanied by a quiz to download.

>> To find out more, go to the Bayard education website

The current quarter hour of May 31, 2024

Current events also take us back in time… 80 years ago, on June 6, 1944, it was the Landings on the beaches of Normandy. A gigantic military operation to liberate France from the Occupation by Nazi Germany. Jean, Odette and Andrée were children at the time of the D-Day landings. At the franceinfo microphone, they talk about how they experienced this event. These interviews come from the franceinfo podcast Children of the Liberation.

In our “We tell each other everything” section, Maria asks us about a difficult situation she is experiencing with her mother. With the help of our psychologist Nadège Larcher, this week’s show gives him advice.

In this week’s “joke box”, it’s a series of riddles that you can listen to. They were left by our young prankster listeners on our answering machine at 01 47 79 40 00.

Finally in “the Salut l’info club!”, we discover Maïa’s favorite game, a werewolf story, and its beloved star, Emma Watson.

Good listening !

“Hey news!” was prepared for you this week by:

Estelle Faure, Agathe Guilhem, Lara Mercier, Salomé Krumenacher and Rémi Chaurand in production
Pauline Pennanec’h and Marion Joseph as editor-in-chief
Philippe Baudouin directing
Raphaël Rasson on mixing

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