new strikes kill civilians


Video length: 2 min.

1pm: War in Ukraine: New strikes kill civilians
France 2

Article written by

M.De Chalvron, @revelateurftv, B.Bervas – France 2

France Televisions

During the night of Thursday to Friday, Russian strikes fell on several Ukrainian cities. Uman is one of them. However, far from the front lines, civilians have died under the missiles.

A building ripped open by Russian strikes. In Uman, Ukraine, on the morning of Friday April 28, two Russian missiles fell on the city in the center of the country, hundreds of kilometers from the front line. Usually spared from war, at 4 a.m. a resident was roused from sleep. In tears, in shock, she shows the damage in her apartment. “I never imagined this. A missile hit our house. We were all there. All the windows were smashed. The children were sleeping. Fortunately, we are all alive”, she says. In the morning, everyone discovers the extent of the damage.

27 apartments destroyed

Part of the building collapsed. Firefighters are busy finding survivors in the still-smoldering debris. Several bodies were pulled from the rubble. So far, ten victims have been identified. “The first block was almost completely destroyed. According to our information, 109 people lived in this block of 46 apartments, 27 are completely destroyed”, details the Minister of the Interior of the country. Uman is not the only city affected. Strikes also took place in kyiv and Dnipro.

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