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Marine Le Pen, Éric Zemmour, Jean-Luc Mélenchon or even Julien Bayou, all strongly criticized the choices of the new government. Among the Republicans, several tendencies can be observed.
The announcement of the new government did not fail to make the political sphere react. For the ecologist Julien Bayou, this composition is an admission of climate inaction. “Amélie de Montchalin at the Ecological Transition or Agnès Pannier-Runacher at the Energy Transition, we really have two profiles who have never shown the slightest interest in ecology. So we are not even on the figuration”, he laments. For their part, Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour criticize the choice of Pap Ndiaye at the Ministry of National Education. “The appointment of Pap Ndiaye, an assumed indigenist, to National Education, is the last stone in the deconstruction of our country, its values and its future”commented the candidate of the RN.
“Emmanuel Macron said that we had to deconstruct the history of France. He will take care of it”, said the boss of Reconquest!. Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the Socialist Party, chose sarcasm to criticize the long wait before the announcement: “Emmanuel Macron was right to make us wait so long, it was really worth it. We are now waiting for the project, if possible before June 12”.
Next June 12, the date of the first round of legislative elections is already in the mind of Jean-Luc Mélenchon: “All in all, all of this is terribly disappointing for those who expected something from the new mandate. Sadly confirming for us, who expected nothing. It is now that the campaign for the legislative elections takes on its full meaning, that is- that is to say that of a referendum where the answer is ‘stop or else'”.
Finally, for the deputy of the Republicans Julien Aubert, the appointment of his ex-colleague Damien Abad is a betrayal: “I understand why Damien Abad was appointed to Autonomy. He has emancipated himself a lot on his aptitude. On solidarity with Republicans we remain more skeptical”. Other members of the Republicans like Renaud Muselier or Christian Estrosi hailed the new government, calling it “ambitious”.