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In the United States, since the reopening of the borders last November, tourists have been flocking. The destination is so popular that new lines are created.
A brand new low-cost Orly-Los Angeles (United States) line has just been launched. Count 650 euros round trip. In the sky, the traffic starts again. Compared to last summer, three times as many flight searches for the United States were registered, and three times as many for Canada. Thailand and Indonesia are also popular. The French are therefore back in Washington (United States), which satisfies tourism professionals. In a hotel in Washington, there are 90% occupancy at the moment.
Today for New York (United States), the round trip costs an average of 549 euros, or 35% less than in 2019, before the health crisis. For Los Angeles (United States), it is 798 euros, or 20% less. But the oil crisis, and therefore kerosene, is likely to change the situation this summer. The French Bee company has already increased its prices by 40 euros round trip for a transatlantic flight.