new brigades in the countryside



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – E.Lagarde, N.Dahan, Ch.La Rocca, V.Meyer, N.Salem, A.d’Abrigeon

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron announced the creation of 238 new gendarmerie brigades which will be deployed from Monday October 2 until 2027. What is the profile of the chosen cities?

Dyears a few months, Bubry (Morbihan) will have its gendarmerie brigade. Many were impatiently awaiting it, because if the population is decreasing, certain crimes are on the rise. A farmer paid the price in the middle of the day. “I stood on the running board, and the tank had been siphoned”, he specifies. To file a complaint, he had to travel 30 minutes to the gennearest weapons store. “If we have a nearbyity of gendarme, I suppose that people will have less ease at this level”, he continues.

Small incivilities

To obtain a brigade, the mayor put all the chances on his side, by offering a former medical office to accommodate the soldiers as quickly as possible. At least 50,000 euros of work is planned, pending the new barracks. The budget is shared with local authorities, it is the price of the safety of residents for the mayor. “We are faced with lots of small incivilities“, explain Roger Thomazo.

Among Our sources:

Emmanuel Macron announces the creation of 238 gendarmerie brigades

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