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New “anti-braking” radars are being studied by the government. These fixed devices aim to track drivers who brake just before a speed camera, in order to avoid being flashed. Decryption.
Will new anti-braking radars soon appear in France? Their objective is to identify motorists who pound, in order to avoid being flashed. The new mobile equipment would be placed just before the current radars, in order to compare the two speeds. Soon to be deployed in Spain, the new generation of devices is worrying some motorists. “Radar, on radar, on radar, it’s a feeling of deprivation of freedom”says one of them.
The government is studying the Spanish system with interest. French law would, however, prevent it from being put into service on the roads. “I think it’s still quite absurd to repress a person who escapes, in all legality, the observation of a contravention by braking when approaching the radar”comments Me Rémy Josseaume, specialist in traffic law, who specifies that “the application in French law seems very complicated”.