Netanyahu rules out ceasefire in Gaza before ‘elimination’ of Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday ruled out any ceasefire in the war against Hamas before the “elimination” of the Palestinian Islamist movement which demands an end to fighting to free hostages.

• Read also: Gaza: Hamas leader arrived in Egypt for truce talks

“We continue the war until the end. It will continue until the elimination of Hamas, until victory. Those who think we are going to stop are out of touch with reality,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a video released by his office.

“We will not stop the fighting until we have achieved all the objectives we have set for ourselves: the elimination of Hamas, the release of our hostages and the removal of the threat from Gaza,” he said. he added.

“We are attacking Hamas with fire, hellish fire. Everywhere, including today. We also attack their supporters from near and far. All Hamas terrorists, from the first to the last, are dead men. They only have two options: surrender or die,” he said.

His statements come as Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh began discussions in Egypt on Wednesday on a halt to the fighting that would allow the release of hostages among those held by his movement in Gaza and the delivery of more humanitarian aid to the besieged territory.

A Hamas official speaking on condition of anonymity told AFP in Gaza on Wednesday that a “total ceasefire and a withdrawal of the Israeli occupying army from Gaza are a prerequisite for any serious negotiations for an exchange” of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

Mr. Netanyahu’s comments also come against the backdrop of discussions at the UN on a draft resolution at the Security Council to speed up the delivery of aid to Gaza.

The vote has already been postponed twice and members are looking for the right formula to avoid a veto from the United States, Israel’s main ally. The text, which initially called for an “urgent and lasting cessation of hostilities” in Gaza, now refers to a “suspension” of fighting.

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