negotiations still ongoing between France and the United Kingdom on fishing licenses, Julian Assange extradited to the United States?



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Small selection of news broadcast by European television channels on Friday 10 December.

In Brussels (Belgium), France and the United Kingdom continue to negotiate for the issuance of fishing licenses. If France has already obtained more than 1,000 licenses, it still hopes for 104. But after almost a year of waiting, French fishermen are skeptical. While the ultimatum set by the EU ends on Friday, France accuses the United Kingdom of bad faith and threatens to go to litigation.

AT London (UK), a court ruling paves the way for Julian’s extradition Assange, the whistleblower with WikiLeaks, to the United States. His supporters have displayed their discontent in the streets of the British capital. The United States blames Julian Assange for revealing nearly 700,000 files on US military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan. For two and a half years he has been held in a prison near London.


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