nature reserve rangers protect the tranquility of wildlife


Article written by

France 3 Rhône-Alpes, F.Grassaud, V.Diguat, I.Murat – France 3

France Televisions

The editorial staff of 12/13 went to discover the guards of the nature reserve in the Jura, Saturday January 22.

A beautiful day is coming. On the heights of the Jura massif, the guards of the nature reserve expect to meet hikers on the Col de la Faucille (Ain). they monitor the premises and first ensure that the walks take place on marked paths. Human footsteps indicate that the rule is not always respected where only wildlife should leave traces. Foxes, hares, deer, chamois, lynx… VSIt is for them that the reserve exists.

Chance encounters prove that the inhabitants of the forest are never far away. To further limit contact with animals, to prevent them from getting tired fleeing humans in the snow, the perimeter of the hikes is tightening until April 15. A regular’s favorite trail is now closed. Pedagogy remains the first lever but not the only one. The guards of the Haute Chaîne du Jura crisscross the immensity: 11,000 hectares to protect from a population more avid of nature.

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