National Assembly: a hemicycle under tension



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The National Assembly was very agitated, Tuesday, July 12. Several deputies notably challenged Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne.

In the absence of an absolute majority for the government, the National Assembly was very restless on Tuesday, July 12. “There were moments of strong tension. On several occasions, the President of the Assembly had to call everyone to order”explains journalist Catherine Demangeat, this Tuesday, on the 11 p.m. set of franceinfo. “We are not in a demonstration, we are at the National Assembly”said Yaël Braun-Pivet.

“The oppositions have not given the government a gift”, continues Catherine Demangeat. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne was questioned on numerous occasions, notably ironically by Marine Le Pen, from the start of the session. “On Sunday, your Minister of the Interior declared that he wanted, I quote, to allow the expulsion of any foreigner found guilty of a serious act by the courts. I therefore welcome this step towards us”launched the president of the National Rally. “I will not seek the votes of the National Rally”replied the Prime Minister.

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