Outgoing RN MP Roger Chudeau said that a member of the government could not be binational because this posed a “problem of dual loyalty”, taking the example of Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.
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“This is an unbearable trial of disloyalty which is being made through me to millions of French people”, denounced Friday June 28 on franceinfo Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, former Minister of National Education, president of France Terre d’Asile, after comments made about her by Roger Chudeau, RN deputy. On BFMTV, he attacked the former socialist minister. The appointment of this “Franco-Moroccan” was a “error” And “not a good thing for the Republic”he said.
“Behind this idea that a binational person could not be a minister because he or she would supposedly be disloyal to France, there is the idea that we can never really trust someone who has foreign origins or even who has a foreign-sounding name or perhaps who does not have the right skin color or the right religion.”she explains. “This is what was thought, what was said by Mr. Chudeau and what was very well heard by people who were listening that evening. We must have no complacency with these remarks.”castigates Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.
Roger Chudeau accused Najat Vallaud-Belkacem of wanting to introduce Arabic lessons in CP, “In doing so, an old fake news story is being resurfaced that has been debunked a thousand times. We cannot say that the National Rally has been characterised neither by its seriousness, nor by its competence, nor by its relationship with the truth.”denounces the former socialist minister. “It was never a question. There was never a question of Arabic lessons in CP as I heard both in the voices of the representatives of the National Front and often on the right”.
“This should draw our attention to the deterioration of public debate, the permanent disinformation which always leaves traces. In this case, Mr. Chudeau knows perfectly well that all of this is false.”
Najat Vallaud-Belkacemat franceinfo
While racist public speech has been released since the announcement of the polls which put the RN at the top of voting intentions, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, indicates that she is “exposed to these attacks for years, but what is new is the status that little by little has been granted to the extreme right and which has ended up making it a supposedly acceptable, respectable force. In fact, we are paying the price for an absolutely suicidal strategy of the outgoing president which consists of putting the Republican, social, ecological left and the extreme right on the same level.”says the former Minister of Education.
“Today all the supporters of neither-nor, as well as the abstainers, are the objective allies of a vote in favor of the National Rally which risks bringing about a far-right government on July 7. The only political project of this party, it is obviously the hierarchy of citizens, it is the creation of sub-citizens It is the fact of moving from the hate speech that they have today in the opposition to a real one. hunt for the “paper French” whose presence in the national community they have never accepted”.