Nagorno-Karabakh: in the footsteps of Armenian exiles


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A. Vahramian, S. Yassine, M. Panossian, V. Ter Minassian

France Televisions

Thousands of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh took to the roads to flee the region. Now refugees in Goris, they try to survive with the few belongings they were able to take. Reporting.

On the road to exile, an intriguing team, Friday September 29. A truck carries a car and standing civilians. They are neighbors from the same village. Having taken away un fridge, bicycles and some clothes, the twelve neighbors have been traveling together for two days. The truck joins the immense flow of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh. On the square of Goris (Armenia)in the middle of the buses, is the Lada white woman from a family of six, including a two-year-old child. HAS Stepanakert (Nagorno-Karabakh)the father was hairdresser and accountant mother.

The suitcase rather than revenge

With 1,500 euros of income per month, they lived well and owned their house. The mother has had time to take away the family albums, she has a smile looking at the photos of her wedding, of swimming and of the nature of the Karabakh. “It’s horrible, we left everything behind. But thank God we are all alive.”she reassures herself. Their daughter, aged 22, claims to have left with her head held high. She prefers the suitcase to the revenge of the Azerbaijani victors. In the square are thousands of other refugees and an Armenian priest for a blessing of comfort.

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