Nabilla – Her little brother Tarek soon to be a dad for the 2nd time: “Like crazy”, he reveals the sex of his baby

The Benattia family will grow twice soon. Indeed, in addition to Nabilla and Thomas Vergara who are patiently awaiting their second child, they are also Tarek and his wife Camellia who are preparing to welcome a baby. Again, this will be the second for the superstar’s little brother, just a year after the birth of his eldest son Liaam. And unlike Nabilla, the young man did not want to wait until the day of delivery to find out the sex. A few hours after having learned it himself, he and his companion decided to share the happy news on Instagram, this Monday, May 2, 2022.

Through a video, Internet users were therefore able to discover Tarek’s tender reaction when he knew that he would soon have a little girl ! “IT’S A…GIRL!!! After waiting a long time Tarek finally got to know the sex of our child today on Eid day. Our heart is filled, our family is complete! Our daughter you will arrive for our greatest happiness. Liaam, mom and dad are looking forward to you to come and fill our hearts with happiness“, she captioned. “I really wanted to announce it on Eid day to Tarek. He’s like crazy! It’s a gift, I’m so happy, so, so happy“, also rejoiced Camélia in story Instagram.

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