When the time comes to roam the woods in the spring, everyone has their own strategies for countering public enemy number one: the biting insect. There is consensus on several concepts. There are, however, a few myths that creep in here and there. Experts in mosquitoes, black flies, biting midges and horseflies sort it out.
Posted at 11:30 a.m.
Only females bite
This is true for all groups of biting insects.
“It’s the female who bites to get blood in order to have the proteins necessary for the formation of the eggs that she will lay after mating,” says André-Philippe Drapeau Picard, entomological information officer at the Montreal Insectarium.
There are fewer biting insects in Estrie than in the Laurentians

Land of a farmer near Mount Orford

Agriculture is very present in the Eastern Townships.
It’s true.
“There are more insects in regions where there are a lot of wetlands,” explains Mr. Drapeau Picard. South of the St. Lawrence, the environments have been largely drained for agriculture. »
Some people attract mosquitoes more than others
“It’s not a myth, we are not equal in front of mosquitoes,” says the specialist.
The metabolism, which differs from one person to another, would be in question, as well as the microbiome on the surface of the skin. “An American researcher has identified 150 compounds in the sweat of athletes that attract mosquitoes,” notes Jacques Boisvert, a retired professor from the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières who has spent most of his career studying biting insects. .
Light-colored clothes are less attractive to biting insects
It’s true.
Mr. Drapeau Picard recalls that flies and mosquitoes detect heat. “In the sun, a darker garment will absorb more of the sun’s energy. It gets hotter. »
Mosquito nets work well
Yes, but not just any.
Jacques Boisvert reminds us that black flies are experts in the art of finding the slightest gap to get inside. It is therefore necessary to favor nets that cover the upper torso. “The problem with the tenderloin is that if you’re going to have lunch… well, it sucks. »
The worst time is at sunset

Mosquitoes are not active until after sunset.
You can get bitten at any time.
“We have more than 60 species of mosquitoes in Quebec,” says Mr. Boisvert. Some are active in the evening, others in the morning and evening. Black flies are active from morning to evening, while biting midges will come out after sunset. »
DEET, icaridin and p-menthane-3,8-diol products may be harmful to your health
These products have been studied and found to be safe and effective.
“But it’s important to follow the instructions on the container,” recalls Mr. Drapeau Picard. DEET, we don’t put that in our eyes. We’re not going to put it four times a day on the skin either. »
Lemongrass is as effective as DEET and icaridin products
Not exactly.
According to Jacques Boisvert, the big difference lies in the protection time. We are talking about 8 to 10 hours for DEET and icaridin, then 30 to 90 minutes for lemongrass. “I put lemongrass on myself when I have a BBQ. I go out, I put the steak, I see it again, I come in,” he says.
Bracelets and candles successfully repel biting insects
Jacques Boisvert has accumulated a large number of products that do not work in a large box. Bracelets, soaps, shampoos, candles and ultrasound devices are among them. On the other hand, clothing impregnated with permethrin, it works!
Thermacell type diffusers repel biting insects
These pyrethroid-based diffusers work, according to Jacques Boisvert. Some can hang on the belt, but are rather expensive. For use on the patio, good old green coils work with the same kinds of insecticides and have similar effectiveness. However, “if it sells, there are people who will not be protected at all and others who will receive it in the face”.
Electrocution devices are a good solution.
No, because they don’t just attract mosquitoes.
“We had five beekeepers in the region,” he says. The owner of a convenience store had put his device outside: he was picking up a lot of bees. »
Eating bananas attracts mosquitoes
The biggest myth of all.
For the purposes of science, Jacques Boisvert swallowed six bananas in a row. He was not stung to death.
The winning strategy is to be calm
Movement, like heat and carbon dioxide, attracts flies and mosquitoes, recalls Jacques Boisvert.
“You have to stay calm. You shouldn’t start hitting a mosquito as if you wanted to kill an elephant. »
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