my mayor, this hero!


Video duration:
2 min

Cinema: my mayor, this hero!

Cinema: my mayor, this hero! – (franceinfo)

A feel-good film that talks about the courage of our mayors in small villages. It’s called “Mr. Mayor” and it’s with Clovis Cornillac in the lead role.

It is the story of a village which risks losing its school for lack of new inhabitants. Initially reluctant, the mayor agrees to rent an apartment renovated by the municipality to a mother of two children and country singer. Touched by the story of this battered woman, the mayor then decides to open a shelter in his village to accommodate other women in difficulty. The film is inspired by a true story, that of the Pyrenean town of L’Hospitalet-près-l’Andorre (Ariège).

A beautiful tribute

In December 2019, the opening of this structure with six apartments made it possible to save the school. The first year, the number increased from seven to fifteen students. Former residents have even chosen to settle in the town. This small village has only 103 inhabitants. On October 23, they were all there to see the film in preview and even though it was not filmed here, the audience was won over.

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