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Since Thursday February 3, you can have a digital health record called “my Health Space”. Attempts to create online medical records have already been made, but they did not work.
This is the pride of health ministers. Roselyn bachelor had already promised in 2010. In 2022, here is “My health space”. The medical profile is completed by the patient. A file that also contains all his health documents. “The biology results that are in his software, automatically it will put ‘send in copy in my digital space'”explains Dominique ponministerial responsible for digital health.
The novelty is a secure messaging service to communicate with caregivers. Thus, this allows complementarity between patients and medical staff. “When the patient goes to the hospital (…) he will get the latest letters from cardio, etc… It’s a very interesting link.says Dr. André Perrault, general practitioner. The data is hosted in France with controlled access. End of March, 65 million policyholders will be informed of the opening of their health space.
– Press conference My Health Space 03/02/22. The press release:
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