Murray Head victim of a terrible car accident in France

He is one of many English people who have decided to come and live in France to take advantage of the mild climate and the beauty of the landscapes. For several years now, the successful singer Murray Head lives near Saucède, in Béarn. Before that, he had a long and successful career as a singer, the peak of which was between the 70s and 80s. We mainly know of him the mythical song Say It Ain’t So Joeas well as the tube One Night in Bangkokboth of which ranked very high on the French charts.

If he appears less in the media in recent years, the 76-year-old singer who remarried to a certain Linda in 2019 has just had the fright of his life. According to information from the regional media The Republic of the Pyreneesthe latter was victim of a terrible car accident last Monday while he was aboard his 4X4 near the town of Gan (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). His car violently hit a truck on a national road, injuring the singer, but not the driver of the other vehicle. When help arrived, Murray Head was conscious and could have been taken to hospital from Pau for treatment.

The singer gives reassuring news about his state of health

According to information from France Blue Bearn Bigorre, the English singer was returning home when the accident occurred. But let his fans be reassured, Murray Head is out of the woods and he was even able to give an interview to South West this September 13 to confirm the information and provide details on the accident. “I was going north south and then I found myself the other way. Was I dazzled by the sun? I do not know. I hadn’t drunk anything”he wonders today, before giving news of his state of health: “I have aches. It hurts a lot. I was incredibly lucky.”

More fear than harm therefore for Murray Head, who miraculously escaped after an accident which could have turned out to be much more dramatic.

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