Municipal elections | Ensemble Montréal challenges four seats

The former party of Denis Coderre alleges that “errors were made” in the counting of the votes for four seats in the municipal elections last week.

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Ensemble Montréal is therefore asking for a recount of the results in the races for the borough town halls of Côte-des-Neiges – Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Rivière-des-Prairies – Pointe-aux-Trembles, as well as for two districts. of these districts.

“Ensemble Montreal has reasonable grounds to believe that errors were made during the counting of certain polling stations,” said the political party in a press release issued Monday afternoon. “In order to ensure the reliability of the democratic process, we want to be sure that it has been respected at all times. ”

The two targeted districts are Pointe-aux-Prairies and Loyola.

The four seats were won by short majorities by Projet Montreal on November 7. The defeat of Lionel Perez – leader of the opposition for almost four years – as mayor of the Côte-des-Neiges – Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough was particularly painful for Ensemble Montreal.

Projet Montréal, for its part, asked for a recount in the Tétreaultville district of the Mercier – Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough, where the president of the municipal council Suzie Miron was beaten, as well as at the borough hall of Outremont.

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