“Mr. Mélenchon had Emmanuel Macron elected”, according to Jordan Bardella for whom the RN is “the only opposition”

“The only opposition that would defend the national interest” facing Emmanuel Macron, “It’s the National Rally”assures Friday May 6 on franceinfo the president of the party Jordan Bardella who is leading this start of the campaign for the legislative elections, on June 12 and 19, in the absence of Marine Le Pen who needs “a few days of rest after the presidential election”.

“It was the French who made us the first opposition force”he believes, recalling the “13.5 million votes” gathered by the RN in the second round of the presidential election. Above all, he accuses Eric Zemmour of having “took the risk of qualifying Jean-Luc Mélenchon in our place in the second round” and the leader of the now reunited left to have “Elect Emmanuel Macron” by calling not to give a single voice to Marine Le Pen. “There is not a Frenchman who thinks Jean-Luc Mélenchon can be Prime Minister”says Jordan Bardella. “Emmanuel Macron will have his majority. Everyone knows that when you are elected President of the Republic, you have the majority five weeks later.”

According to him, the real question of the next legislative elections, “This is what opposition Emmanuel Macron will have for five years”. “Mélenchon first opponent, it’s a fable.” According to the president of the National Rally, the New People’s Ecological and Social Union is in fact “the crutch of the Macron system” and to carry it in opposition would be “incoherent”. “The left has submitted to politico-religious demands, behind people who want to defend the burkini and advocate the disarmament of the police.

“Today they want to govern with Macron and, if they can’t, they want to take to the streets. It’s very dangerous.”

Jordan Bardella, President of the RN

at franceinfo

Marine Le Pen, she, “does not want to become Prime Minister” and the RN is not seeking a majority in the National Assembly, says Jordan Bardella. “You know very well that this scenario is not credible”, even by allying with the Reconquest! by Eric Zemmour. “When he says that together we can have 200 to 300 deputies, it’s totally false. We looked at the electoral map, he can only make 2 to 4% in the legislative elections.” According to him, the National Rally will arrive “ahead of Reconquest in 96% of the constituencies”.

“I say to the sincere patriots of the Les Républicains party and those of Renconquête to come with us to give strength to the opposition. Give us the possibility of bringing your ideas to the National Assembly.” Jordan Bardella does not forget that Éric Zemmour “did everything for eight months to try to kill the RN and prevent us from reaching the second round”. He evacuates the questions of franceinfo on the outstretched hand to Marion Maréchal and Stanislas Rigault but does not exclude that his party brings its “support for the candidate of the patriot camp best placed to win” in the second round of legislative elections.

The president of the National Rally recognizes “sure” a form of appeal to the vote useful to the legislative elections. “These legislative elections are the last exit from the highway before the straight line. Beyond that, we will no longer be able to limit the full powers of Emmanuel Macron and then you will take full advantage of it for five years. You will suffer the violence and brutality of Emmanuel Macron.” Jordan Bardella denies the objective of electing a hundred deputies, “it’s political cooking”but he says he wants “elect as many deputies as possible to affirm loud and clear in the National Assembly the first opposition to Emmanuel Macron that we have become.” However, he castigates the current situation of the RN at the Bourbon Palace. “An aberration”according to him. “A party like ours, which won 11 million votes in 2017, only had 6 deputies out of 577. We saw what that gave… The Yellow Vests, extremely strong and violent mobilizations. We’ll see June 12 and 19 if France is still a democracy.”

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