This revised version of the text, examined Thursday in the Law Committee, is halfway between the government’s initial version and that desired by the Senate.
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The Law Commission of the National Assembly approved, Thursday, November 30, a revised version of the article of the immigration bill relating to the regularization of undocumented immigrants in professions in tension, a “compromise” between the initial version of the government and that of the Senate.
“We are resolutely opposed to the provisions of the article”, declared MP Annie Genevard on behalf of the LR deputies, who voted against. This new version does not create a procedure “discretionary” at the good will of the prefect, as the senators wanted, nor an automatic right to regularization, defended the general rapporteur of the text Florent Boudié (Renaissance).
The National Assembly also reestablished article 4 of the immigration bill, which should allow immediate access to work for certain asylum seekers, after it was removed by the Senate. On Wednesday, the National Assembly had already reinstated article 3 of the text, concerning state medical aid (AME), also canceled by the senators.