MP Lise Thériault says the Liberals are not corrupt

In the aftermath of opposition attacks on Jean Charest’s record, the Liberals responded by defending their integrity on Wednesday.

Liberal leader Dominique Anglade argued that practices have changed in political financing in recent years.

“I will never accept that a party leader comes to wipe his feet on the integrity of my political formation”, she said in a press briefing at the National Assembly, maintaining that “ten years more late, we are elsewhere”.

MNA Lise Thériault, for her part, launched an all-out charge against Mr. Charest’s detractors. Ms. Thériault came to the defense of her former boss, whom she personally spoke to on Tuesday.

“The tenor of the conversation was that the comments of the party leaders are unacceptable,” she said.

Ms. Thériault attacked the integrity of her opponents.

“I am not corrupt, my colleagues are not corrupt and we will not accept being called corrupt,” she said.

More details will follow.

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