Météo-France is now worried about “stormy rains [qui] will occur on saturated or even flooded soils.
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The situation is improving. Meurthe-et-Moselle is no longer on orange alert for “floods”, Météo-France announces in its bulletin for Sunday, May 19 in the morning. Orange vigilance is maintained for Moselle and Bas-Rhin. In Meurthe-et-Moselle, “the recession is well advanced, we are in the process of removing all the protective equipment”rejoices Bruno Minutiello, president of the community of communes of the territory of Lunéville in Baccarat, not mentioning any significant incident.
In Moselle, the Nied is also receding. “The main street is free, the water has receded, all the homes are accessible, whereas yesterday people had 1.50 meters of water in their houses”, explains René Kupperschmitt, mayor of Filstroff, referring to the provision of food to certain families by the local kayak club. But further upstream, in Ancerville, the decline was not yet observed, the Nied reaching 2.64 meters on Sunday morning, compared to 0.65 meters on Thursday.
Finally, in Bas-Rhin, “generally speaking, the decline is beginning on the majority of watercourses, even if certain sectors remain under surveillance”, reports the prefecture. Around twenty departmental roads remain inaccessible, but “the situation is gradually returning to normal.”