The doctors of the public hospital, called to strike, Monday and Tuesday, demand in particular the revaluation of night guards.
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More than 50% of hospital doctors declared themselves strikers on Monday, July 3, according to the unions behind this social movement. “We are between 50 and 100% participation in the strike” according to the services, said the emergency doctor Jean-François Cibien, president of the inter-union Action Practitioners Hospital (APH), who called for this day of action.
“In the memory of a trade unionist, we have never seen so many people who are mobilizing”, advanced the anesthesiologist Anne Wernet. As usual, however, the strike did not interrupt hospital activity, with doctors being assigned as needed to ensure continuity of care. A second day of action is scheduled for Tuesday, at the call this time Alliance Hospital and the Intersyndicat of Hospital Practitioners.
“We want 500 to 600 euros”
APH’s demands focus in particular on night guards, which the Minister of Health, François Braun, increased for the first time by 50% upon his arrival in July 2022. Currently, the compensation exceeds 400 euros gross for 12 hours of service. But the measure is only extended until the end of August and negotiations are at a standstill, pending arbitration from Bercy and Matignon.
“We want 500 to 600 euros” for these guards and that they are “taken into account for retirement”, exposes the inter-union. This last request “to be received by the President of the Republic” to win the case.