more than 60,000 appointment requests for the third dose made on Doctolib before Emmanuel Macron’s speech

This is a record increase, while the President of the Republic must speak Tuesday evening to make “a point on the health situation” of the country.

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Increase in requests for the third dose. Some 65,000 appointments for a third injection of the Covid-19 vaccine was taken on Doctolib on Friday, announcement The Parisian, Saturday November 6. A figure almost confirmed by the founder of the platform, Stanislas Niox-Château, at BFMTV, who mentioned more than 63,000 meetings. These figures constitute a record, coinciding with the announcement of an address by Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday for farea “a point on the health situation”.

The President of the Republic could condition the health pass to the booster dose, even if according to information from the political service of France Televisions, the Haute Autorité de santé has not been contacted on the integration of this dose into the health pass.

The increase in appointments stands at 61% compared to last week, according to Doctolib. As of November 3, 3.4 million people had received their booster dose, out of the 8.3 million who are eligible. This increase also comes at a time when the health situation is tightening, with an increase in 20% of daily positive cases and 15% of daily hospitalizations within a week.

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