Montreal urges Quebec to protect RPAs on its territory

The elected officials of the city council of the City of Montreal unanimously adopted on Tuesday an official opposition motion calling for a one-year moratorium on the conversion of private residences for seniors (RPA) into traditional rental housing on the territory of The city. However, the final decision will rest with Quebec.

The motion presented by the leader of Ensemble Montreal, Aref Salem, was slightly amended by the administration of Valérie Plante, in particular to emphasize the particular financial vulnerability and the challenges related to the labor shortage experienced by RPA and residences for seniors managed by non-profit organizations. The essence of the motion, however, remains the same: we must stop the haemorrhage of repeated closures of RPA in the metropolis, often for speculative purposes.

The document, unanimously supported by the 65 elected members of the city council, asks the Government of Quebec to cease for one year to respond to requests for withdrawal of RPA certification sent by promoters in Montreal, when the closure such residences “seems to be accelerating” in the metropolis. The intention of investor Henry Zavriyev to convert the Mont-Carmel residence into a traditional rental housing complex has in particular caused much ink to flow.

“We support the legal battle against owners who make all kinds of maneuvers which are unacceptable”, had also assured Monday evening, in session of the municipal council, the person in charge of housing on the executive committee, Benoit Dorais. In response to a tenant of the RPA Mont-Carmel, Marie-Paule Lebel, he then deplored the “disgusting business” that some elderly people who live in RPAs threatened by real estate speculation must go through.

“We use inhuman ways to transform residences for the elderly [en logements locatifs traditionnels] “Added Mr. Salem on Tuesday, when debating his motion. “When we have people who want to make money on the backs of our elders, it’s unacceptable. »

The motion also calls on Quebec City, in the run-up to the start of the provincial election campaign on August 28, to establish “strict criteria” according to which the withdrawal of the certification of an RPA will be permitted at the end of this moratorium. , if it materializes, “including measures to ensure the protection and care of residents” who suffer the consequences. “Particular attention” should be given to residences for seniors with a social or community vocation in order to “support and protect them”, notes an amendment to the motion.

Time is running out for the Government of Quebec to act in this file, hammered Tuesday the adviser of Ensemble Montreal in Saint-Léonard, Dominic Perri. “I hope you will act quickly, because there are promoters who could act faster than you because when there are opportunities for interesting profits, there are those who act quickly,” he said. -He insists.

The motion will be sent to the Government of Quebec soon, assured Mr. Dorais, who also invited the various provincial political parties in the running for the October 3 election to take a position in this file.

Support for drag artists

The municipal council also unanimously approved the motion by independent councilor Serge Sasseville in support of drag artists in the metropolis.

Remember that last July, The duty had revealed that pressure exerted by at least one elected representative of Saint-Laurent had jeopardized the holding of L’Heure du conte de Barbada scheduled for November 5 in two libraries in this borough. The borough corrected the situation after Sébastien Potvin, alias Barbada, met with the elected officials of the borough to discuss the activity.

“What happened with L’Heure du conte de Barbada in the borough of Saint-Laurent is an unfortunate incident that has fortunately been resolved to the satisfaction of Barbada, but it must not happen again,” said argue Serge Sasseville. “The city’s drag artists, through their presence and their art, contribute to making Montreal a more open, fair and inclusive city”

For his part, the mayor of Saint-Laurent, Alan DeSousa, described the meeting with Sébastien Potvin as “very rewarding”. ” He had a fan club. All the employees and all the elected officials wanted to take a picture with him. We are delighted to collaborate with a person like Sébastien Potvin. We look forward to welcoming him into our network of libraries. »

Mayor Valérie Plante believes that elected officials must refrain from political interference in such matters. “What I remember is the importance of letting the City’s teams, including those of culture, do their job. Politics should not interfere with the decisions that are made by our professionals,” she said.

Helping Monarchs

The city council also unanimously adopted Mayor Alan DeSousa’s motion asking that the City reiterate to the federal government the urgency of protecting the lands located north of the Montreal-Trudeau airport, including the one known as the ” Field of Monarchs”. These lands should be integrated into the Sources nature park, it is estimated.

Last June, in the midst of the monarch butterfly breeding season, Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) mowed down the Champ des Monarques and its thousands of milkweeds. Environment Canada has also opened an investigation into the event.

Montreal’s elected officials also want the City to quickly adopt a pollinator protection strategy, encourage boroughs to plant milkweed and other nectariferous plants in their parks and flowerbeds, and distribute free milkweed seeds to citizens as soon as this autumn.

The motion will be forwarded to federal Transport Minister Omar Alghabra and Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault.

With Jeanne Corriveau

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